10 Wrestlers That Have Held The WWE Title The Most Times

5. Hulk Hogan (6)

In the 1980€™s Vince McMahon had a desire to glamorise the sport of professional wrestling, envisioning the potential of a global entertainment enterprise; and of course, his pursuit proved rather successful. If you can afford to throw three million dollars on WWE Studios€™ movies such as The Chaperone, make back a measly $43,795, and still continue to make a handful of these seemingly unpopular films each year, you know you're financially pretty sound. But before Vince could afford to pay Triple H to be a bank robber turned good or even Big Show a €˜Knucklehead€™ on a mission to save an orphanage; there was a lot of work to do. His company needed a star attraction and McMahon chose Hulk Hogan. The Hulkster defeated the anti-American Iron Sheik at Madison Square Garden in 1984 to win his first WWE title and the crowd erupted; proving that McMahon chose the correct guy to lead his company. Hulk Hogan was suddenly idolised by millions and really helped in shaping the transformation of the wrestling business. The success of the Immortal One allowed the WWE to release a wide range of merchandise for his adoring fans; such as the Hulkamania Workout Set. This beauty of a product included mini dumbbells and a motivational coaching tape courtesy of Hulk; it can only be assumed that this set played an essential role in moulding a young John Cena and little Dave Batista.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.