10 Wrestlers That Have Held The WWE Title The Most Times

4. The Rock (8)

The Rock

When your first high profile match up within nine years, builds up so much anticipation that the PPV becomes the highest grossing of all time; you are probably within your right to call yourself the People€™s Champion. The chance for fans to see this one-off, limited edition, never to happen again, €˜Once in a Lifetime€™ feud between The Rock and John Cena, was too much to go without. Even for many casual fans, who were seemingly the focus target behind the marketing of this match. Twice in a Lifetime came the following year, but this time with the WWE Championship belt on the line. The Rock walked into the bout holding his eighth WWE title, after defeating CM Punk at the Royal Rumble. Unfortunately, this match lacked the hype of the previous year. Partly because it was no longer the one-off match we were led to believe, but also because The Rock was unable to attend the large majority of Raw episodes in the build up to the event, due to commitments in Hollywood. The Rock lost the match and it was the last we have seem of The Great One as an in-ring performer since. In his prime, The Rock was the most alluring, charismatic and energetic character in the business; and had the entire crowd in the palm of his hand. He was a true champion. After being chosen as the first ever draft pick by Vince McMahon to represent SmackDown, the Brahma Bull instructed one side of the crowd to chant €˜you are€™, while the other half of the arena responded with €˜an asshole€™ at the WWE Chairman. That is crowd control, not a single member of the current locker room could match.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.