10 Wrestlers Other Wrestlers Were Scared Of

8. Bob Holly

Hardcore Holly Matt Cappotelli Tough Enough Incident

There are varying reports on exactly what happened during the third season of WWE's faux-reality show Tough Enough in 2002. Some have claimed Bob Holly's beatdown on rookie Matt Cappotelli was something the trainee knew about beforehand. Others have criticised Holly's roughhouse approach towards a newbie.

If Bob was looking to strike fear into the hearts of wrasslin' trainees everywhere, he succeeded.

Holly was another who earned a hard man reputation for taking zero sh*t and sticking up for the industry at every turn. Apparently, he felt guys like Cappotelli were taking WWE's lifestyle lightly, so he decided to teach them a lesson. That, according to guys like Al Snow, JBL and more, was just 'Bob being Bob', even if he was heavy-handed.

The bruises he left on Cappotelli's body became a chilling reminder to rooks everywhere that WWE wasn't an easy gig. Watching his super-stiff blows on someone who blatantly doesn't know how to cope with them is difficult even now.

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