10 Wrestlers That Could Be Kurt Angle's Mystery Feud
9. Triple H

Like his wife, Triple H has been absent since his WrestleMania 33 'slaying' at the hands of former protégé Seth Rollins. The beating he sustained in their lengthy match was brutal enough to remove him wholesale from WWE's televised output, which makes a refreshing change from the times he elects to stroke his ego with vanity appearances in NXT et al during supposed recuperation.
'The Game' clashed with Kurt Angle several times during the early-2000s, with neither man gaining a particularly conclusive victory over the other outside of the aforementioned abrupt full stop on the love triangle programme featuring Stephanie McMahon.
In defence of his wife or merely his pride, Hunter may see undercutting Angle as a way to re-assert his dominance following a humbling loss, and using a series of abusive message may be the 'Cerebral Assassin's method of rattling the GM ahead of their battle.
Mind, if there's one thing Triple H has been terrible at in recent years, it's winning the big match. He's got all the bluster and gumption, but little of the winning mentality that once put a chokehold on virtually the entire roster. For that, maybe he could turn to his latest accomplice...