10 Wrestlers That Lied To Get What They Wanted

4. Shawn Michaels Feigns ‘Montreal’ Innocence

Vince McMahon Santino Marella

Yeah, everyone's sick of hearing about the 'Montreal Screwjob', but nowhere near as sick as Bret Hart must've felt when he found out that Shawn Michaels was lying through his teeth. The 'Hitman' likely suspected that anyway, but took HBK at face value when Shawn said he had nothing to do with the incident.

Butter wouldn't melt, and all that.

What was Michaels' goal here? What did he want? Well, to be blunt, he wanted to avoid a locker room kicking that would've surely come his way from a p*ssed off Hart had he been honest. Don't forget that Shawn had suffered the dual pain/embarrassment of having his hair ripped out earlier in the same year and that Bret was on his way out of the WWF anyway..

He didn't want anymore one more pasting, basically. So, to try and direct hate towards Vince McMahon and take the immediate heat off his own back, Michaels lied to Bret and pretended he was aghast at the screwy finish to their match at Survivor Series 1997.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.