10 Wrestlers That Rocked Multiple Gimmicks At Once

6. Booker T

Booker T King Booker

He might have ruled, but even Hulk Hogan couldn't have taken a naff royal gimmick and turned it into a winner in the twilight of his career.

Leave that to Booker T, a man who went from streetwise tough guy with killer dance moves to hoity-toity 'King' who referred to himself only by esteemed title and walked around as though WWE was Memphis and he was Jerry Lawler in his prime. Make no mistake about it, Booker's kingly run would not have worked had he not been so brilliantly over-the-top.

The guise was a complete departure from everything fans had come to know and love about the WCW stalwart turned WWE one. Gone were the Harlem roots and banished were the underdog sensibilities of before. They were replaced by entitlement, snobbery and a hilarious mispronunciation of his own name.

'King Bookah' did what everyone not-named Lawler and Randy Savage had failed to do. He made the royal gimmick work, and he took the pretty-much-dead King Of The Ring idea seriously. If you've never witnessed one of Book's royal promos, then you're missing out.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.