10 Wrestlers That Rocked Multiple Gimmicks At Once

5. Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho Y2J Suit

Just over eight years after first bounding onto WWE TV as a millennium-themed saviour, Chris Jericho bounced back onto programming in late-2007 and appeared to look like the lovechild of celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and Jon Bon Jovi; that joke has been done before, but it's true. Look at him!

This was a weird time to be a 'Jerichoholic'. The Y2J character seemed woefully out of touch with an emerging generation of fans, and the flashy waistcoats Jericho sported would've been more at home on Strictly Come Dancing. Something had to change, and the super-switched on Canadian had a plan.

He'd ditch the flash, systematically eliminate everything fans enjoyed about his rebellious rockstar work and become a suited, stoic misery guts who deliberately spoke in hushed tones. When combined with Jericho's ever-solid ring work, this new character revitalised his comeback, and it shouldn't be taken for granted.

Not just any old worker could have realised their classic presentation was sucking and taken bold steps away from it. Jericho, however, has never been one to rely on pure nostalgia for too long. This was further proof that he's one of wrestling's best when it comes to reinvention, even during the same run.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.