10 Wrestlers The Undertaker Should Have Faced At WrestleMania

4. WrestleMania 2000 - Vince McMahon

WrestleMania 2000 always seems a little weird when watching it back today. It could be the fact that the WWF was in the last stages of the Attitude Era or the fact that a heel retained the WWF Championship in the main event of the show but it's probably due to the fact that The Undertaker, a man synonymous with the event, isn't on the card. Of course there is a very good reason for that. The WWF would hardly just neglect to book one of their biggest stars on the biggest show of the year. No, The Undertaker was out recovering from an injury. He had injured his groin in August and then injured his pectoral muscle while training for a surprise comeback at the Royal Rumble. Had 'Taker been fit and healthy there are many scenarios and match-ups that he could have participated in. He could have been involved in the four corners match for the WWF Championship, possibly replacing a freshly-retired (HA!) Mick Foley. Or he could have taken on his former tag team partner, The Big Show, in a singles match. But the match that would have drawn the most attention and intrigue would have been The Undertaker versus Vince McMahon. The two were regularly at odds during 1999 so there was plenty of storyline ammunition (remember the kidnapping of Stephanie McMahon?). As a match, it wouldn't have had to have been anything special, just a vicious beatdown by 'Taker with plenty of added extras, such as run-ins and turns. The WWE did do 'Taker versus Vince at Survivor Series 2003, a match notable for Vince's horrific bladejob.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...