10 Wrestlers Wasting Their Life In WWE

8. Commander Azeez

Commander Azeez WWE

Here's a quick, 'Did You Know?' moment.

Commander Azeez has had just 10 televised matches since signing for WWE around seven years ago. The vast majority of his other bouts have come on non-televised NXT house shows pre-pandemic. Sure, he's made for the bodyguard role, but...10 matches on TV?!

That's not a lot, obviously. Worse, his importance to Apollo Crews has been undermined since WWE lost interest in their Nigerian military characters - a move to Raw has been disastrous for Azeez as well, especially when the towering Omos is clearly an ongoing concern for company chiefs these days.

Azeez doesn't even get to stand out as the biggest guy on the brand, and that renders him pretty pointless. The big bastard is 33, doesn't look like he's going to motor past Omos in the designated 'monster' role, and must be wondering what the future holds once creative eventually removes him from Crews' side.

Speaking of which...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.