10 Wrestlers Wasting Their Life In WWE

6. Shinsuke Nakamura

Commander Azeez WWE

Nakamura holds the dubious distinction of being the worst Intercontinental Champion of the past few years. Yes, Apollo Crews struggled in the role (largely because WWE gave up on him too quickly), but Shin's reign took the p*ss. He was rarely on TV, and sometimes didn't even have the belt with him when he was.


Get this: Nakamura defended the so-called prestigious IC Title exactly twice between winning the thing in August 2021 and losing it this past February. Also, to further illustrate how garbage his run was, WWE left 140 days between his sole successful defence against Crews on the 24 September 2021 SmackDown and his loss to Sami Zayn on 11 February. One hundred and forty days!

That, ladies and gents, is rubbish. Is this really better than returning to New Japan for money-spinning comeback matches, or even seeing if AEW can squeeze a few more years of top-line relevancy from a once-proud worker? He can't be satisfied with his lot in WWE.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.