10 Wrestlers Wasting Their Life In WWE

4. Asuka

Commander Azeez WWE

Is WWE still ready for Asuka? Who knows, because the veteran female hasn't been seen on your tellyboxes regularly since last summer. She's apparently medically cleared to return, but the writers must not have any plans for someone who once carried the entire women's division on her back during the pandemic.

That's pretty damning considering it's WrestleMania season and main card spots on the two-night affair are being handed out like free samples. Asuka deserves one of those pay days - it's doubtful you'd find many fans who would claim otherwise (if you could even find any at all).

It doesn't look like it's going to happen, so the question must be asked. Has Asuka done everything she had to do in WWE? She's a multi-time champ, Royal Rumble winner and even handled the NXT > main roster jump better than most.

One has to wonder how long she can be expected to sit on the sidelines waiting.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.