10 Wrestlers Wasting Their Life In WWE

3. The Viking Raiders

Commander Azeez WWE

War Machine were f*cking bad ass pre-WWE.

Hanson and Rowe wrecked shop in ROH, New Japan and on the independent scene before signing on the dotted line with the biggest company around, and the future looked bright. Their viking gimmick was the kind of OTT goodness Vinnie Mac loves, but... then he made an arse of it.

The NXT run was fine. Main roster? Meh. The re-dubbed Erik and Ivar's tag name was changed frequently during their first few weeks on Raw, then WWE settled on The Viking Raiders. Since then, they've become comedic buffoons who get called smelly by their opponents before losing.

A recent feud with The Usos was crappy, and now the Raiders are also-rans in Drew McIntyre's ongoing rivalry with Happy Corbin. That's yet another fall from grace on the creative pecking order for a team who must be sick of them.

Keeping their presentation simple (stop saying they stink) and letting them have killer matches shouldn't be so hard.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.