10 Wrestlers Who Are DYING For Something New

1. Bayley

Andrade WWE

Bayley is going to provide a fascinating case study for wrestling historians. "How", they shall mull over their absinthe and lucozade, "did WWE manage to give the same woman the best and worst babyface runs of her generation?"

WWE caught lightning in a bottle with Bayley's run as NXT Women's Champion, transforming the lovable superstar into the most over character in the entire company. Unfortunately, the lightning fizzled out during her disastrous first two years on the main roster, to the point where she had to turn heel to salvage her career.

Thankfully, Bayley took to the task with aplomb, but after years of heeldom her face turn during this year's WrestleMania season was an exciting development. WWE couldn't possibly screw up babyface Bayley again, right? Right?

Yeah, you know where this is going.

While Bayley's recent walk on the light side has yet to sink to the depths of her previous stint as a good guy, it has done absolutely nothing for her character. Bayley too often looks caught between the angel and devil on her shoulder - lacking the edge of her villainous self and the irrepresible heroism she exemplified in NXT - resulting in a bland character its hard to connect with.

You can never count Bayley out - not for nothing did Triple H single her out for praise after WrestleMania 40 - and hopefully her recent loss at SummerSlam ignites a much needed fire in the now-former champion. Because unless Bayley's character gives audiences a reason to care about her, her current babyface run will never live up to its potential.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.