10 Wrestlers Who Are DYING For Something New

9. Austin Theory

Andrade WWE

In the words of Hunter S. Thompson, how long, O Lord, how long? Austin Theory has already spent three years on the main roster, and in that time has cumulatively shown around 16% of the charisma he displayed during his NXT tenure.

One of the last brain farts to be sputtered from the decayed, broken mind of the disgraced Vince McMahon was to have Theory play an arrogant heel in the main roster. It's worked out exactly as well as the previous sentence suggests, as Theory went from playing a lovable goofball in NXT to a tedious, one-note bad guy with less charisma than his own cardboard cutout.

To be clear, Theory shouldn't shoulder all the blame for this. A good booker plays to a wrestler's strengths - it's how Paul Heyman turned a collection of misfits into the most exciting promotion on the planet back in the nineties - and WWE's writers have spent years failing Austin in this regard. WWE creative should have pulled the plug on Austin's heel act a long time ago, and hopefully his recent interactions with DIY lead to a much-needed overhaul for the struggling superstar.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.