10 Wrestlers Who Buried Their OWN Promotions

1. Steve Austin Calls WWE's Writing "P*ss Poor"

Roman Reigns

Byte This was an interesting concept. It was even more revolutionary than WCW's Live internet radio show, because WWE managed to stream video online when that wasn't the norm. The Byte This webcast was ahead of the game, and there was a loose, 'shoot from the hip' kind of feel to most episodes.

That caused some issues. Case in point: Steve Austin's appearance shortly before walking out on the promotion in June 2002. 'Stone Cold' joined the hosts to talk all things federation, but he had another agenda in mind. Austin told flabbergasted presenters that the company's "writing has been p*ss poor", and he was just getting started.

Steve would go on to say: "The bottom line is everything sucks". That combo of 'Stone Cold' catchphrase with real-life frustration illustrated the battle going on inside Austin's head. He wasn't enjoying life in the midcard after years on top, and didn't think the current creative crop had a clue how to use him properly.

This was an awkward yet compelling listen for fans in '02. 

Which other wrestlers buried the promotion they worked for? For more WWE and AEW, check out Wild Sh*t Wrestling Did You’ve TOTALLY Forgotten About and 10 AEW Wrestlers To Jump Ship RIGHT NOW


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.