10 Wrestlers Who Changed Managers

1. The Undertaker - Brother Love To Paul Bearer

When he debuted at the tail end of 1990 few would could have foreseen that the man who was introduced as Kane The Undertaker would become one of the cornerstones of the WWE. Fast forward to the present day and there isn€™t a fan alive who doesn€™t recognise the awesome contributions of The Deadman. The Original Manager €“ Taker was brought into the company on a November 1990 episode of Superstars with Brother Love at his side. It was a mismatch right from the off, as Brother Love€™s evangelist preacher shtick really didn€™t meld well with a monster that appeared to be utterly impervious to pain. It wasn€™t long before Love was replaced by someone a little more suitable. The Switch €“ In what must count as the most important managerial switch in the history of the WWE, The Undertaker acquired the services of the puntacularly named Paul Bearer mere weeks after Brother Love had first escorted him to the ring. With his deathly pallor, odd mannerisms and real life association with the funeral industry, Bearer was a much more suitable fit for The Deadman and together they wreaked havoc on the WWE. Despite falling out at various times in the years that followed, the duo€™s history is indelibly intertwined, as Taker experienced some of his greatest successes with Bearer at his side while enduring some of his greatest hardships without him. Never in the history of the WWE has a managerial pairing been quite as successful or as long-standing as that of Paul Bearer and The Undertaker.

Lee Price is a writer for 411mania.com and Starburst Magazine, which is published in the UK. He is currently working as a freelance writer. He hopes to one day fund his addiction to video games by writing about video games, and he maintains a sporadically updated blog at leesrandombulls*it.wordpress.com