10 Wrestlers Who Changed Managers

4. Doom - Woman To Teddy Long

For a while Doom was one of the most dominant teams in the fledgling WCW and, more importantly, the team also gave fans their first exposure to Ron Simmons. The Original Manager €“ The team was brought into WCW by the incomparable Woman, who made her debut in the company shortly beforehand as an obsessive fan of Rick Steiner. As stalkers are wont to do, she soon showed her true colours, proclaiming she would bring about The Steiners€™ doom with her new tag team of masked bruisers. After a strong start under Woman the team started to falter and were soon dumped by the vampish femme fatale when she started managing The Four Horsemen.
The Switch €“ No longer restrained by the masks that had concealed their identities, the newly invigorated Doom adopted Teddy Long, of Smackdown GM fame, as their manager and went on a tear through the tag team ranks in WCW. A tag team title reign came after they defeated The Steiners at Capital Combat 1990, before dissension in the ranks caused Simmons to break away and become the Shawn Michaels to Butch Reed€™s Marty Jannetty.

Lee Price is a writer for 411mania.com and Starburst Magazine, which is published in the UK. He is currently working as a freelance writer. He hopes to one day fund his addiction to video games by writing about video games, and he maintains a sporadically updated blog at leesrandombulls*it.wordpress.com