10 Wrestlers Who Changed Managers

3. Goldust - Marlena To Luna Vachon

Goldust was a character quite unlike anybody else the WWE audience had ever seen before, bringing homosexual undertones to his character that weren€™t really in keeping with the WWE product of 1995. The Original Manager €“ About four months after his debut in the company Goldust enlisted the services of his real-life wife Terri Runnels, who managed him under the name Marlena. The effect was instant as Goldust won the Intercontinental strap on her debut. With her director's chair and penchant for cigars, Marlena was the perfect fit for her husband's bizarre persona and he would continue to experience success with her by his side.
The Switch €“ After losing Marlena€™s services to Brian Pillman for a month, Goldust reverted back to his heelish ways and underwent a character revamp that played on the recent actions of pop artist Prince. Calling himself The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust and developing a penchant for mimicry, he would quickly link up with Luna Vachon and delve into increasingly bizarre territory. While his original incarnation brought him championship gold, having Luna as his manager brought little in the way of success and the pair split in 1998.

Lee Price is a writer for 411mania.com and Starburst Magazine, which is published in the UK. He is currently working as a freelance writer. He hopes to one day fund his addiction to video games by writing about video games, and he maintains a sporadically updated blog at leesrandombulls*it.wordpress.com