10 Wrestlers Who Completely Changed To Become Main Event Stars

9. Mick Foley

Cactus Jack Mankind

The Change: Vince McMahon's initial vision for Mick Foley was as the cartoonish 'Mason The Mutilator'. When Mick baulked at that suggestion and pitched a rougher edge to the character, history was made; within two years, Foley went from foil for The Undertaker to lovable idiot who captured the hearts and minds of wrestling fans worldwide.

How It Helped: There's no way McMahon's WWF would have known what to do with the overtly-violent menace of Cactus Jack in 1996. Mankind was a halfway house for Foley, and something he could use to bed himself into the company. All he had to do was ensure he didn't become the next Mantaur.

Donning a mask and (eventually) using a sweat sock as an imaginary friend and weapon wouldn't have worked with just anybody. It took a special performer, something Foley definitely was in his prime. He perhaps realised he'd have to go along with some of Vince's plan if he wanted to show the boss what he was capable of in the long run.

Under his watch, Mankind somehow went from psychopathic nightmare to cuddly babyface.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.