10 Wrestlers Who Could Retire John Cena In 2022

7. Seth Rollins

John Cena WALTER

In 2021 Rollins’ in-ring work was tip top, with matches against Cesaro and especially Edge frequently stealing the show. His character, though, is a little all over the place. His gimmicks have included “wearing flashy suits” and “laughing a lot”, with little underlying it. His all round game is good enough to be a top, top star, but he could do with a recalibration.

This is where John Cena comes in. Cena and Rollins’ 2015 SummerSlam match was absolutely brilliant right up until the Jon Stewart-assisted ending. The two deserve a chance to match up again without the involvement of any satirical TV stars, and in doing so, Rollins could make that final step to the level currently occupied by Reigns, Lesnar, and Lynch.

There’d be some work required to get Rollins ready for the spot again, but he’s right up there with the best performers they have. Book a decent story around it, and this could be incredibly effective.

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John Cena
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)