10 Wrestlers Who Could Retire John Cena In 2022

4. Riddle

John Cena WALTER

WWE might have something special on their hands with Riddle; more impressively, for once they seem to have actually recognised that fact. The ex-MMA star and marijuana enthusiast is over with the fans, was one of the only entertaining parts of Raw for much of 2021, and is surely poised for a big solo push this year.

When RK-Bro eventually splits, logic dictates that the focus should be on the younger Riddle. The assumption would be that surly Randy Orton turns heel on his perky pal, but should they swerve this and give us bad guy Riddle, he could be a made man should he conclusively best Cena.

Like former Cena foil Kurt Angle, Riddle can brilliantly balance a goofy persona with in-ring killer instinct. We saw in NXT that he can effectively play much more serious than he’s been doing on Raw. Offscreen, Riddle is a cocky, bolshy self-promoter with readymade angles against Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Goldberg.

He’s also the kind of fast, leaner opposition against which Cena always does best. Face or heel, Riddle could be a major player in the future, and has the skill and self belief to take an opportunity like this and run with it.

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John Cena
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)