10 Wrestlers Who Didn’t Deserve To Be On WWE PPV Posters

7. R-Truth – Hell In A Cell (2013)

WWE Hell In A Cell 2013 Poster

Why R-Truth was chosen as the star attraction for Hell in a Cell’s poster in 2013 is mind boggling. Truth is such a stellar talent who makes nearly everything WWE throws at him work so there’s no blame on Truth but rather on WWE officials who thought Truth was the front-runner to present on the poster, given on the night of the PPV he wasn’t booked on the card at all.

You may think then he was relegated to the kickoff match on the Network then but no, he wasn’t even involved in that. Instead he was relegated further down from that by being on the kickoff panel with Josh Mathews, Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn previewing the matches. It’s not like Truth was doing a lot on TV at the time either, getting squashed to Ryback on Raw in the run-up to Hell in a Cell.

This was a stark contrast to two years previously at Hell in a Cell (2011) where Truth was really over with his heel turn, so much so he closed the show in an altercation with Triple H.

Surely the stars of the Hell in a Cell main event for the vacant WWE Championship Randy Orton or Daniel Bryan should have took Truth’s spot on the poster.

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Triple H
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