10 Wrestlers Who Didn’t Deserve To Be On WWE PPV Posters

6. Torrie Wilson – Survivor Series (2001)

Survivor Series 2001

When she was an active member of the roster Torrie Wilson was at the centre of multiple posters and billboards promoting WWE events. She fronted Armageddon’s poster in 2002 when she was involved in a significant soap opera heavy storyline with Dawn Marie and her Great American Bash posters are remembered fondly in 2004 and 2005.

Torrie was a stunning blonde bombshell who was one of the most popular divas in WWE history so of course WWF/E would put her on posters to peak casual fans’ interest. Though saying that one poster she didn’t belong on was Survivor Series 2001. It was the event that was the conclusion to the big Invasion storyline with a ‘Winner Takes All’ 5-on-5 Survivor Series elimination match headlining.

The central theme of the event was WWF vs. The Alliance; WWF could/should have placed team captains The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin squaring off to entice viewers and drum up interest. Instead the poster consisted of Lita and Torrie Wilson having their backs to one another, signalling the feud and divide between WWF and The Alliance, with Lita representing WWF and Torrie representing WCW. But by the time Survivor Series aired Torrie had already defected to the WWF.

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