10 Wrestlers Who Gained Nothing By Being WWE World Champion

4. Dolph Ziggler

dolph ziggler world title

Which Belt: World Heavyweight Title.

Why They Gained Nothing: Up until a few years ago, the report card on Dolph Ziggler was that he had the "potential" to be a top star in WWE. It wasn't that Dolph was missing any tools, supporters argued, it was that the company he worked for just needed to give him a real shot and grant him access to the main event club for good.

Those days are over, and even Ziggler's biggest fans have accepted that he'll never be the guy in WWE.

At least he's been World Heavyweight Champion twice, right? Right?! Sure, one of those reigns ended the same night and the other miserably fizzled out due to injuries, but he got to the promised land more than once in his career. Not everyone can say that. As much as Dolph deserved a shot, he didn't really get one.

Both of his World Title reigns were treated like token surprises by the announcers (y'know, those spewing the party line), and that caused him to be viewed as a transitional champ at best. Neither triumph had a long-lasting impact on Ziggler's career.

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