10 Wrestlers Who Got Into Phenomenal Shape

1. Gunther

Gunther transformation

This is easily the most fascinating transformation in recent memory.

As WALTER, he dominated the independent scene, quickly followed by NXT UK, where he reigned as champion for 870 days. Such was his dominance, that every fan knew it was only a matter of time before the hulking Austrian made his way to America.

After a brief flirtation with NXT itself, WALTER was called up to SmackDown! and then, to the horror of everyone, was renamed Gunther. Echoing chants of 'WALTER!' followed him and it looked like, somehow, WWE were going to mess 'Der Ring General' up.

But boy, were we wrong.

Not only did he adopt a new name, but Gunther basically became an entirely different person, and his quite frightening shredding of his body fat has brought us a leaner and quicker proposition. Sure, as a beefy boy, the chops and strikes felt a little harder, but the sheer athleticism the man is now showing is startling.

The Imperium head is an absolute phenomenon and should be in consideration for the best wrestler in the world. If you don't believe that, consider that he has been a key factor in four of the last five WWE matches to receive five stars. In the ring, he is almost peerless.

Now, with his chiselled new physique, Gunther looks set to become the most dominant force in all of wrestling. Sign this writer up for that.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!