10 Wrestlers Who Got Into Phenomenal Shape

3. Jinder Mahal

Gunther transformation

In 2012, Jinder Mahal joined forces with Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre to form 3MB, a jobber group who never amounted to anything more than a punchline. Not many people were surprised when, in 2013, Mahal was released from his WWE contract. He had hardly made a splash on the main roster and, not to be harsh, he's never been the most electric of workers.

In 2016, Jinder made a surprising return to WWE. But when he walked out, it wasn't surprising as to why.

There is no denying that the physical condition the 'Man of Peace' got himself into would have turned Vince McMahon's head, and even if Mahal hadn't improved his in-ring game to be a top star, he had certainly built himself to look like one. So much so, that Big Vinnie saw an opportunity.

Clearly trying to exploit the Indian market, Mahal was rocket-strapped to the main event, going from jobbing at Fastlane in March to becoming WWE Champion in May. Unfortunately for the 'Modern Day Maharaja', the fans didn't buy him as a main event star and his title reign lasted for an inexplicable six months.

There were no highlights to the run, and the beloved Shinsuke Nakamura's star was dimmed in sacrifice to Mahal. Since losing the belt, he hasn't so much as sniffed the main event again, but hey... he still looks like an absolute beast.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!