10 Wrestlers Who Had Electric Chemistry (But WWE Did Nothing With It)

9. Booker T And Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero Booker T

In the run-up to WrestleMania 21 WWE filmed some fantastic parody movie scenes, with the highlight to many being their Pulp Fiction parody starring Booker T and Eddie Guerrero, as Jules and Vincent respectfully. Eddie at one point opens the famous briefcase and asks “Do you know what they call WrestleMania in France?” before Booker cites the memorable Ezekiel 25:17 verse and reveals WrestleMania tickets from his suit (rather than a gun). The two shared a lot of comedic chemistry together in this.

Both of them were performers versatile enough to be hilariously entertaining in promos but deadly serious when the bell rang and it mattered. For every great match Booker T had in his career (Best of Seven series with Chris Benoit), he had equally a hilarious segment (his dealings with Goldust where he played with lightsabers). Same with Eddie, he matched the funny (stealing Ric Flair’s Royal Rumble entry) with the performances in the ring (WrestleMania XX with Kurt Angle).

WWE should have ran with Booker and Eddie in a tag team or a feud. The little interactions and matches in the few chances they had to share the screen and ring together were gold.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.