10 Wrestlers Who Had Their Best Runs In WWE

7. Kevin Owens

Damien Sandow

Another wrestler whose independent career has since been eclipsed by their accomplishments in the WWE, Kevin Owens has enjoyed a superlative few years under Vince McMahon.

The former Ring of Honor and PWG champion made an immediate splash on his debut, brutalizing NXT champion Sami Zayn before beating him for the belt two months later. Owens followed this achievement by doing the seemingly impossible, beating John Cena cleanly in a champion vs. champion match at Elimination Chamber 2015. Since then he has held multiple titles, including a run with the Universal Championship that led to him and Chris Jericho having the best storyline heading into WrestleMania 32.

Even when he hasn't been in the title hunt, KO has thrived in high-profile storylines. Yes, watching him have to carry Shane McMahon through their feud was frustrating, but it led to Kevin Owens busting open Vince McMahon in one of the most memorable segments in years. And he and his former nemesis Sami Zayn were the perfect heel tandem to face off against Daniel Bryan in the latter's triumphant comeback match at Wrestlemania.

KO might be treading water in the midcard at time of writing, but given his track record we wouldn't bet against the Prizefighter being back in the title hunt sooner rather than later.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.