10 Wrestlers Who Had Their Best Runs In WWE

5. Bret Hart

Damien Sandow

WCW had no idea how to get the most out of Bret. Granted, WWE were far from perfect in their booking of the Hitman but at least they recognised Hart's superior talent as a wrestler. Bret Hart was given ample opportunities to prove his status as one of the greatest workers ever, delivering time and time again in high profile matches. Not for nothing did CM Punk recently christen Bret as “Mr. Summerslam”, as the Hitman stole the PPV numerous times with quality matches against the British Bulldog, Owen Hart, Mr. Perfect and Demolition. When WWE wanted great professional wrestling, they knew who to count on.

Unfortunately, WCW in the tail end of the '90s had very little to do with professional wrestling, great or otherwise, and Bret Hart was a notable victim of the promotion's car-crash booking. Hart was unceremoniously shunted into the mid-card within months of his arrival in the company, hot-shotting the United States title in a blizzard of nonsensical face-heel turns and f**k finishes. His one run with the WCW Heavyweight Championship didn't go any better, and unfortunately led to the end of his career as Goldberg blasted him with a kick that led to the injuries which forced the Hitman's retirement.

It was a sad end to an exceptional career, but a brutally appropriate exclamation point to WCW's mistreatment of one of the greatest talents in wrestling history.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.