10 Wrestlers Who Have Been Swept Under The Rug

6. Shawn Spears

T-Bar Xavier Woods

Where the f*** is Shawn Spears?

Serious question.

Look, Spears is never going to be the top guy in a company and, as has been said before, not everyone can be a main event star. Although AEW made it seem like a bad thing upon his debut, Spears is the definition of a good hand.

He's great in the ring, is a powerful dude with an ace look, and he just gets professional wrestling. Spears is a brilliant midcard act who can be built up as a threat at any moment, and after a few failed attempts at making him relevant, AEW finally nailed it by aligning him with MJF.

The Pinnacle themselves were a busted flush, but the 'Chairman' thrived as MJF's sadistic lackey, and he was as important to the eventual rise of Wardlow as the man himself and MJF were. Spears' role as Wardlow's 'Accountabillibuddy' was a laugh riot, and his ten second loss to CM Punk was hilarious.

The Canadian worked his arse off to get over, but once that story came to its natural conclusion, he vanished. It's baffling, especially as now MJF has hired help once more and Spears is nowhere to be seen. Surely, if anyone should have helped the 'Salt of the Earth', it should have been the former 'Perfect Ten'?

For some reason, Tony Khan see it more fitting to give time to the Trust Busters than a guy who proved he could get very over!

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!