10 Wrestlers Who Have Been Swept Under The Rug

4. Xia Li

T-Bar Xavier Woods

It's safe to say that many were a little perplexed when Xia Li was called up to the main roster, as she had hardly set the world alight in NXT.

Whilst her real life MMA pursuits leant a measure of credibility, Li had done little of note in NXT beyond being associated with a thousand-year-old dragon lady and cleaning Mercedes Martinez's clock with an errant kick.

But somewhere along the way, Vince McMahon saw Xia as ready for a role on SmackDown. For a few weeks, at least.

Teasing debut vignettes positioned Li as the 'Protector' of the SmackDown women's division, and her debut was one to remember. Amid a flurry of lightening bolts, the star raced to the ring to save Naomi from a three-on-one beatdown from Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler and Natalya.

It was quite an entrance, but any hope for Xia Li was soon quashed after going missing for a few weeks and, when she wasn't really missed or getting over when she was there, she turned heel with the lazy excuse that the women's division didn't deserve protecting.

Since then, Li has done nothing and, like Lacey Evans, feels very far behind the rest of the roster. It's a shame, as a vigilante character within the division would have been quite refreshing.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!