10 Wrestlers Who Have Made Kurt Angle Submit

2. Drew Galloway - TNA Impact 2016

The chosen one, the captain, the voice of the people, the insane phenom, however you want to call Drew Galloway he is certainly one of the best British wrestlers on the planet at the moment. In the height of Kurt Angle's farewell tour in TNA, Angle was having matches with opponents he wanted to face. Drew Galloway (the former Drew McIntyre) was his first opponent on this tour.

In Manchester, England, after taking 3 Claymore kicks from Galloway, Angle was hurting bad. Drew locks in his Iron Maiden submission; a crossface where the arm is trapped at an insane angle. Despite escaping once and countering it into an ankle lock, Galloway was able to reverse the ankle lock and lock in the hold once more, causing Angle to suffer his first submission loss officially in 8 years. Not many men that were more than deserving than Drew Galloway on that night. It's a match that you should definitely watch, even for TNA standards.

With TNA still on a tight rope, Drew Galloway is hanging out in his old stomping grounds, which leads us to our final man.


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