10 Wrestlers Who Made Chris Jericho Submit

7. The Rock – Smackdown December 4th 2001

William Regal Chris Jericho

Mere days before Jericho would be in the biggest matches of his career, he had to face off against both champions of The Rock and Austin in a tag team match with fellow competitor Kurt Angle. This Smackdown isn't really memorable for Jericho's tap out loss, more due to the infamous Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club getting it's just deserts as Mr McMahon tastes some Rikishi posterior. The tag match had big intensity going in, and the ending; a spinebuster and sharpshooter left Jericho reeling. That wasn't the end of Jericho's night though as in frustration, Kurt Angle decides to Angle Slam Jericho for losing the match. Guess he shouldn't've tapped then.

Wasn't all bad news for Chris Jericho of course. At Vengeance he defeated both The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin on the same night to become the first ever Undisputed Champion. He is the G.O.A.T. after all.


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