10 Wrestlers Who Must Return To Impact Wrestling

3. Alex Shelley

Alex Shelley

Paparazzi Productions is ready for a sequel.

Alex Shelley has been competing in NJPW and ROH to various levels of success over the past couple years in tag team action, but what he truly deserves is a great singles run.

He first joined TNA way back in 2004, but management never quite saw something in him. Everything good he was given was quickly taken away, like a pairing with Kevin Nash and a mini-feud with Mick Foley. It’s not that Shelley was bad in his role in the least - but creative didn’t seem to get his appeal.

The thing is, the man is funny. He has a dry, sarcastic humor that stands out in the world of largely bad wrestling comedy (you won't see him begging people to buy his ice cream on a weekly basis...for example). Besides that, he’s really good in the ring.

He may not be heavyweight championship material, but he’s certainly deserving of a decent push if he were to return. He could excel in the X Division and provide a veteran presence there, or be a pesky Chris Jericho-like heel and work against some of the bigger names in the promotion.

Chris Sabin would also be a welcome return to Impact when he’s free, but Shelley has been the more entertaining personality of the two on television. He is long overdue for a big singles opportunity.

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Joey Ryan
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