10 Wrestlers Who Peaked In WWE Developmental

9. The Vaudevillains

Karrion Kross Scarlett NXT

WWE's product wasn't really prepared for something as out there as The Vaudevillains in 2014. Together, Simon Gotch and Aiden English worked an old-timey throwback gimmick that was ripped straight out of the late-1800s. It was quirky and niche, but probably had a more limited shelf life than anyone was willing to admit.

Nobody knew just how limited.

Gotch and English were drafted to the main roster in 2016, but things soured immediately when they were cast as heels vs. The Lucha Dragons despite being cheered. People were happy to see an NXT act on SmackDown, and that didn't jive with how Vince McMahon wanted to present them. Stop this ride if you've heard that one before!

The Vaudevillains struggled to gain any traction at all outside NXT. By 2017, they were right on the fringes of the main roster product. Then, Gotch was served his release papers in April and that was very much that. They'd never be more over than they were on the third brand.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.