10 Wrestlers Who Peaked In WWE Developmental

7. The Ascension

Karrion Kross Scarlett NXT

How's this for a throwback to vintage NXT?!

The Ascension had fans talking about retro acts like The Road Warriors, Powers Of Pain and Demolition as they squashed everyone in sight to rule the NXT tag-team division in 2013. Konnor and Viktor were actually the second wave of Ascension hysteria in developmental, but WWE ignored the first and focused on the future.

Make no mistake about this: Konnor and Viktor were considered the future. Many figured they'd be a smash hit on the bigger shows once Vince McMahon was ready to embrace them. Then, when the call came in 2014, Vinnie Mac tripped over his own feet and presented The Ascension as out-their-depth frauds. Oops!

JBL disparaged the pair on commentary for being "nothing more than a rip-off", and the team themselves openly admitted they were a homage to duos from yesteryear. It was hardly impressive stuff, and the bloom came off the rose within weeks. By 2015, The Ascension must've been daydreaming of those halcyon days in NXT.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.