10 Wrestlers Who Perfected A Non-Finishing Move

2. Hardcore Holly - Standing Dropkick

Triple H Spinebuster

When you think of high flyers, Bob Holly certainly isn't the first name to come to mind. However, the Alabama Slamma himself had one of the most genuinely aesthetically pleasing dropkicks in the business. We give a slight edge to him her over Randy Orton, who might have an even prettier dropkick, but to whom the move seems like more of a natural fit, Orton having always shown an immense acrobatic ability despite his size, as opposed to the more workmanlike, grounded Bob Holly.

Say what you like about Holly - he may have been a bully, he may have been boring as a talker and even as a worker, but you can never say that he wasn't good at what he did. An impactful finisher, a cruel knife-edge chop, and a beautiful dropkick are all things he did very, very well.

Holly got great elevation, and kicked off well after the impact, landing on his stomach, in an uncharacteristically polished move for a wrestler more about grit and believability than acrobatics and choreography.


Geordie Scribbler. Literature, Music, Gaming & Comics Enthusiast.