10 Wrestlers Who REFUSED To Win

8. Edge Refused To Break The Undertaker's Streak (WrestleMania XXIV)

Edge The Undertaker

In a 25-minute thriller The Undertaker made Edge tap out to Hell’s Gate to win the World Heavyweight Championship in the main event of WrestleMania 24. But this was not always the plan.

There have been rumblings over the years there were a few wrestlers under consideration to break Undertaker’s Streak before Brock Lesnar F5’d it away at WrestleMania 30, like Randy Orton at 21 and Mark Henry at 22. But The Deadman’s real-life wife Michelle McCool confirmed in an interview the rumour of Edge being heavily under consideration to break The Streak at WrestleMania 24 was true. Not only that, Edge was the one to straight-up refuse to break it. McCool commented:

“Actually I remember at WrestleMania (24) versus Edge they talked about Edge breaking the streak. It was Edge that was actually like, ‘That makes zero sense. I don’t want to do that. Why would I do that?’ The fans already love him. What’s it gonna do for Edge? It was Edge that went to bat for the streak. I know they had talked about it prior to the match with Brock, but you know it happened.”

Edge was a well-established main event heel in 2008 when WrestleMania XXIV took place, inciting genuine heat from audiences. He didn’t need the Streak win. Lesnar though, whilst established, rode the momentum of ending the Streak and became an unstoppable force in the years that followed, headlining big events and becoming “the reigning, defending, undisputed, heavyweight champion of the world!”

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