10 Wrestlers Who Should Have Been WWE Heavyweight Champion

4. William Regal

Scott Hall razor ramon

It's great when you see someone finally getting their flowers.

It's long been known that William Regal is a widely respected and influential man in the world of professional wrestling, and seeing that get shown through his incredible AEW debut over the past few weeks has been great. The man is legitimately one of the hardest bastards in the business and has inspired many of today's best workers.

WWE never treated Regal badly. Let's make that clear. He had multiple title reigns, whether in tag teams or with the secondary belts. He was WWE Commissioner as well as the RAW General Manager. Until NXT decided to swallow a paint bomb and explode out whatever trite passes as NXT 2.0, he was seen as a guiding light for WWE's future.

However, he was NEVER a main event player. Despite being a believable and skilled technician, with affable charm on the mic, he never really rose above being a snobby heel who got his comeuppance. When he won King of the Ring in 2008, apparently he was on course to become the WWE Champion but his own demons got in his way.

Regal is awesome, and he should have been a world champion in WWE. But hey, at least he got to kiss Vince McMahon's bare ass on live TV, eh?

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Razor Ramon
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!