10 Wrestlers Who Should Own WWE After Wrestlemania 29

6. Fandango

sg-sd705_fandango_022213 I wasn't at any point planning to put Fandango in this column. If you have read any of my previous WWE articles, I have never been a fan of Fandango, mainly because he had no reaction or connection from the crowd and had been thrust into a match with Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania despite doing very little to earn it. But in New Jersey all that changed. Like Daniel Bryan last year, the crowd at Wrestlemania and the following night on Raw took up the call for Fandango. It might be because they liked what they saw, they might have just been being ironic, they might have just wanted to be awkward - whatever their reasons, throughout Raw Fandango's music was sang loud and proud by the crowd. Instead of Bryan's Yes chant, a reaction to Bryan being squashed by Sheamus at Wrestlemania 28, the WWE Universe were singing the strains of ballroom dancing music. An incredibly hot and vocal crowd had chosen Fandango as their star. So putting aside any reservations I had, and still have, about Fandango, the dancing star looks set for a bright future. Despite what some may say, the WWE does listen to their fans. Vince McMahon and the creative team were already fans of Fandango, but with the New Jersey crowd massively putting him over they have done all the hard work for Vince. Yes it can be argued whether the crowd were actually putting him over by singing his song, or whether they were instead ridiculing the superstar by taking up his music - they were chanting for Mike Chioda and Michael Cole too after all. But for Vince, a huge reaction like that to a superstar he is already a fan off will be all he needs to convince him to pull the trigger on a push for Fandango. Expect to see Fandango featuring a lot more in the coming weeks and months. Short term that will probably see him continue in his feud with Jericho, after which he will perhaps go on to challenge for one of the midcard titles. He owes a very big thank you to the folk of New Jersey for that.
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Rob is a multimedia journalist with an opinion on everything from Johnny Cash to Newcastle United, CM Punk to The Matrix.