10 Wrestlers Who Should Own WWE After Wrestlemania 29

5. Wade Barrett

wade barrett The British Brawler spent the past year suffering from a heavy bout of bad luck. After putting Randy Orton out of action in their storyline, supposedly Wade Barrett was set for the big time, with a main event push beckoning for the Barrett Barrage, starting at Wrestlemania 28. However a freak accident saw Big Show land on his arm, and Barrett was laid out for a number of months, missing Wrestlemania 28 and some serious action after that. When Barrett finally returned, he found his spot had been taken by others, and has not been able to get going since. Taking the Intercontinental Title from Kofi Kingston should have been a sign of upward momentum, but Barrett and the title were consigned to also-rans, with no serious feud for Barrett to sink his teeth into, much like his US Title counterpart Antonio Cesaro. A feud with The Miz for Wrestlemania was rushed and hard to engage in, and was promptly pushed to the Pre-Show, never a self-esteem boosting bit of news. Then Barrett lost his title to The Awesome One, tapping out within five minutes to the Figure Four. The logic of that booking seemed as clear as mud though when the following night on Raw Barrett won his title back, pinning The Miz clean after delivering the Bullhammer. Putting to one side the WWE's apparent disdain for their Intercontinental Title these days, where this leaves Barrett is anyone's guess. However Barrett does have plenty of attributes to bring to the table, and given the right push, could be a big deal in the WWE. He is decent on the mic, has a great look, is strong in the ring, and in simply being British, stands out from the rest of the locker room. What he needs is a breakout feud, something to make people care about him and escalate him up the card. A lengthy feud with the likes of Chris Jericho or Alberto del Rio could buy him some credit, but he needs to be pushing for the upper echelon and running with the likes of Sheamus, CM Punk and John Cena. For now he has his IC Title back, and will have a rematch with The Miz to look forward to. Hopefully the WWE will show some faith in the British Brawler and allow him the time and momentum to return some prestige to the title and some credibility to his reign. If they do that, they could have a bonafide superstar on their hands.
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Rob is a multimedia journalist with an opinion on everything from Johnny Cash to Newcastle United, CM Punk to The Matrix.