10 Wrestlers Who Suffered A Crippling Crisis Of Confidence

6. Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens Fight Anyone

Another WWE-produced film revealed Kevin Owens' own shattered confidence.

His WWE 365 documentary included footage of Vince McMahon frostily telling him backstage they weren't on good terms. In between morale-wrecking moments like that, KO explained to Lilian Garcia that he was ravaged with self-doubt in 2017 and really struggled to feel like he belonged in the company.

McMahon had verbally scorched Owens for his performance against Chris Jericho at WrestleMania 33 (the feedback was so fierce that Jericho later admitted it pushed him further away from WWE too), and that wrecked KO's spirit. The former Universal Champion began to question everything he was doing.

He told Garcia that his wife had to calm him down at home several times during this rough patch. The positives of before, like winning that Universal belt and having absolute crackers with John Cena on pay-per-view, gave way to frayed nerves and the fear that Kevin just wasn't good enough.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.