10 Wrestlers Who Suffered A Crippling Crisis Of Confidence

3. Randy Orton

Bray Wyatt Randy Orton HOH

99.9% of people reading this will likely spiral into their own merry-go-round of mental self-doubt upon learning that Randy Orton was once disgusted with his body. He of perfectly-symmetrical eyebrows and finely-toned muscles told Edge and Christian's podcast in 2017 that he was jealous of his then-Wyatt Family colleagues.

They got to wear greasy tank tops and jeans. Randy, meanwhile, was expected to look a certain way and didn't have that luxury.

Problems started when he returned from some time off, got changed into his trunks and checked himself out in the mirror backstage. Orton hadn't trained much recently - he'd barely even tanned, and he was horrified to see someone who didn't look like WWE's 'Viper' staring back at him.

Randy immediately thought about changing up his look, and he regretted choosing trunks at the start of his career. There you go. Even someone with the body of a Greek God gets self-conscious about wearing pants in front of people.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.