10 Wrestlers Who Suffered A Crippling Crisis Of Confidence

4. Goldberg

Goldberg Super ShowDown

Nobody had a good taste in their mouths after Super ShowDown on 7 June 2019.

Goldberg's main event with The Undertaker had perfectly outlined every problem with WWE's incessant need to drag old warriors through the mud in stupidly lengthy matches. The first four minutes, remarkably, were awesome for those who loved the pair's greatest hits. Then, things went south in a hurry and Bill ended up knocking himself out.

It was a mess, and it didn't take long for criticism to flood social media. Despite telling Metro that online trolls don't bother him, Goldberg did admit that the main event's poor quality took a toll on him mentally, and it destroyed his confidence. It'd take a SummerSlam squash over Dolph Ziggler to restore some lost pride.

All those disparaging comments aimed at him on Twitter rarely acknowledge that Goldberg is a passionate dude. He desperately wants to be that snorting, musclebound beast from 1998's WCW forever, and the fact he couldn't live up to that in Saudi Arabia badly affected him.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.