10 Wrestlers Who Survived The Impossible

5. The Street Profits/Viking Raiders

The Miz Zombies WWE WrestleMania Backlash

Brace yourselves for more cinematic stupidity that'd fall under the aforementioned category of "atrociously bad". At Backlash 2020, an already-wonky feud between one-time wrecking machines The Viking Raiders and popular faces The Street Profits took a nosedive off the nearest cliff.

They'd been bowling, they'd done archery and they'd hammed it up in every comedic scenario WWE could think of, but nothing prepared the Raiders or the Profits for what'd come next on 14 June 2020. Following a goofy brawl that reiterated the quartet's love for bowling, all four were consumed by a mystery trash monster.

Yes, this actually happened. Or...didn't happen if you're willing to believe that WWE's cinematic universe is separate from the "real" one. Whatever you're willing to swallow, it was impossible. If Erik, Ivar, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins were eaten alive, then how did they show up without a scratch on TV shortly afterwards?

As Bruce Prichard often says on his pod, one is trying to put logic into an illogical situation.

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The Miz
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.