10 Wrestlers Who Survived The Impossible

4. Triple H

The Miz Zombies WWE WrestleMania Backlash
WWE Network

"Show up without a scratch".

Triple H knows a thing or two about that. At Survivor Series 2000, Steve Austin avenged attempted vehicular homicide from the year prior by raising Trips up in a car and thumping him down onto the concrete below. The pay-per-view went dark with the announcers screaming about literal car-nage, and everyone wondered if they'd ever see Hunter again.

A few weeks later, he popped back up to attack Austin and set up a future 'Three Stages of Hell' climax for their rivalry. Then, they tossed their differences aside because Steve shook hands with Vince McMahon at 'Mania X-Seven and became tag partners. All together now: WRESTLING!

The thing is, there was no out for Triple H at Survivors. That car was dropped from a scary height and landed upside down on the road below - if anything, Austin had gone further than 'The Game' was willing to go 12 months before.

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The Miz
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