10 Wrestlers Who Survived The Impossible

3. The Miz

The Miz Zombies WWE WrestleMania Backlash

This is the most modern example, and the moment that inspired this here list. It flooded social media with contrasting opinions about what it'd take to "kill the business". Being honest, it'd take a lot more than The Miz being munched by some zombies, but one can understand why some hated this WrestleMania Backlash stunt.

F'n zombies, man.

John Morrison opened a door to some "Lumberjacks" that turned out to be the undead earlier in the pay-per-view, then Miz got chewed on following his match with Damian Priest. During that, the zombies stayed outside the ring, thus proving the age-old theory about those ring ropes having some sort of forcefield on them when it suits.

Miz hasn't shown back up on TV quite yet. He will though. WWE are not going to end the man's career just to promote Batista's new 'Army Of The Dead' movie, and they're hardly gonna whisk the heel back with bite marks.

He'll suffer no lasting effects from being ravaged.

In this post: 
The Miz
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.