10 Wrestlers Who Were More Successful After Their Time In WWE

7. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

drew galloway icw

The son of The British Bulldog, you would have thought that Davey Boy Smith Jr. was a dead cert to make it in WWE. It's hard to look at him and not believe that he has it all. However, his WWE run is probably more famous for CM Punk mentioning his name in a promo not long after his release than anything he achieved himself.

Smith hasn't let that get him down however, and like many others has found his place in Japan. There he has teamed with Lance Archer as the Killer Elite Squad and won the IWGP Tag Team Championship two times. 

Davey Boy Smith Jr. didn't find his feet until after his time in WWE. In that company, he was just another face in the crowd, but over in Japan, his hard-hitting style and power moves not only live up to his father's legacy but have allowed him to gain a connection with the fans that he'd failed to find in America. His success there has started to work for him back in the States too as he and Archer have become multi-time NWA Tag Team Champions. All those natural gifts are suddenly being put to good use.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83