10 Wrestlers Who Were Supposed To Get Other Wrestlers Over (But Got Over Themselves)

7. Crash Holly (Hardcore Holly)

Hardcore holly crash holly

It must stick in Bob Holly's craw that his kayfabe cousin went on to become a more marketable star than he ever was. That's no knock on Hardcore. Bob worked hard, had an impressive physique and did find his niche by ditching several horrible gimmicks to become a no-frills bad ass.

Crash carved his own position on the roster by pioneering the '24/7' idea with the Hardcore Title. That was some laugh when it started in 2000, and it turned Crash into a lower-card sensation. He was one of the most popular acts on the entire WWF roster for a while, which is mad. Meanwhile, ol' Bob cruised along doing nothing of note.

That had to sting when Crash was only introduced in 1999 so Hardcore would be able to hit up the tag ranks and have a storyline nuisance to slap around. Holly 2.0 (1.5?) was so charming in the role that he sped in front of the former race car driver and became a success on his own.

Lil' Elroy Jetson did good.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.