10 Wrestlers Who Were The Last Person To Take Iconic Moves

3. Randy Savage's Elbow - Rick Steiner

Hogan last legdrop
New Japan World

At TNA Turning Point 2004, Randy Savage 'competed' in his last ever match, a six-man tag alongside current WWE superstars AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy, against an nWo leaders megamix of Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarrett, the trio for some reason paying homage to honorary member Disco Inferno in their attire.

In stills from his wrestling dotage, Savage looks cool af, sort of like a cross between The Undertaker and Johnny Cash. In motion, it's a much sadder story, and quickly explains why, barely able to move around the ring, he didn't deliver his legendary elbow drop for his last pro-wrestling appearance. Indeed, The Macho Man had taken a sabbatical from the ring since his final WCW bout in 2000, notably filming a spot in Spider-Man in the interim (sadly, Tobey Maguire didn't get elbowed). By the time he returned, his body and spirit was broken.

So we have to turn to New Japan's 4th January show in 2000 for the last time Savage dropped his olecranon on anybody, in an out of place and out of time match between he and Rick Steiner. Save for Steiner violently selling a lariat like a jobber once would have his own, the match is a tedious dud - but Savage's elbow is surprisingly stellar.

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Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.